0 to Problem Solution Fit in 10 weeks

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This 8-part series of essays documents the LeanCrush journey, or how to get from 0 to Problem Solution Fit in 12 weeks:

  1. Document plan with a Lean Canvas workshop
  2. Identify Risks and prioritize canvas (coming soon)
  3. Enrich Canvas with Persona Empathy, Customer Journey and Forces (coming soon)
  4. Reach out to prospects (coming soon)
  5. Validate problem with interviews (coming soon)
  6. Create solution demo (coming soon)
  7. Validate value proposition qualitatively with interviews (coming soon)
  8. Validate value proposition quantitatively with landing page (coming soon)
  9. (…more to come)

LeanCrush is a 12-week bootcamp to help early-stage entrepreneurs develop and test business models based on questioning and learning from real-life customers. It combines proven methodologies such as Customer Development (Steve Blank), Running (Ash Maurya) and Agile Methodologies.

Participants will document business hypotheses with advanced techniques, and immediately get out of the building to test them by speaking to prospective customers.

Through customer feedback entrepreneurs will refine their assumptions and modify their product to meet their customers needs. Leading them to solve a must-have problem with the most appropriate solution, ensuring that they product a scalable and repeatable business model that is prime for growth or investment.

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